Westmore Mountain Challenge

Moose – Hor – Pisgah – Haystack – Bald

1 Day. 5 Mountains. 26 Miles.


“The most spectacular (and challenging) trail run in Vermont.” – VTSports.com

The Route

Moose & Hor Mountains: Hike start via shuttle drop off. Hike 1.2 miles from Moose Mtn parking to Moose summit. 1.3 miles from Moose Summit to Brookside Trail, 0.5 miles along Brookside Trail, 0.6 miles along Mt Hor North Trail, 1.6 miles along Hawkes Trail to summit, then down to trail end on CCC Rd. 1.2 miles on CCC Rd to Rte 5A. 0.5 miles to Mount Pisgah South trailhead. (Moose elevation: 2339′ gain: 322′ Hor: 2648′ Miles: 6.9)

CCC Road Water Station: Water refill and emergency aid station, about halfway down the CCC Rd, at the overlook to Lake Willoughby. A great place to snap a photo! There is a portalette at the bottom of the CCC Rd before crossing over to the Pisgah Trailhead. 

Mount Pisgah: 1.7 miles from Pisgah South Trail parking to summit. 0.7 miles from summit to East Trail. 1.9 miles on East Trail to Long Pond Rd. 0.5 Miles to Rest/Shuttle Area at Bald Mountain trailhead. (Pisgah elevation: 2751′ gain: 1709′ Miles: 4.8)

Rest/Lunch Station: Located at the base of Bald’s Long Pond Trail. Water, food, and restroom provided. Shuttle available for those who choose.

Haystack Mountain: 0.4 miles on Long Pond Rd to Haystack trailhead. 1 mile up Haystack North Trail to summit. 1.1 miles from summit down South Trail to Long Pond Rd. 1.6 miles along Long Pond Rd back to Rest/Shuttle Area at Bald Mountain trailhead. (Haystack elevation: 2712′ gain: 910′ Miles: 4.1)

Bald Mountain Trail:  2.1 miles from parking up Long Pond Trail to Bald summit (restroom available here). 2.9 miles from summit down Mad Brook Trail to Mad Brook Rd shuttle.  (Bald elevation: 3315′ gain: 1482′ Miles: 5)

Mad Brook Station: Make sure you do a safety check in at the yurt at the base of Bald Mountain’s Mad Brook trailhead. If you are ending your hike here, you can let the timekeeper know and they will record it. Water refill available here, and the waiting spot for shuttles if one isn’t immediately available.

Make it a Marathon – Road Run to NorthWoods: From Bald Point trail end and shuttle pickup point, continue down Mad Brook Rd – 1.8 miles. Keep right on Westmore Rd- 1.2 miles. At T intersection, bear right on Hudson Road – 0.4 miles. Bear left onto Vermont Rte 105 – 0.9 miles. Turn right onto 10 Mile Square Rd – 1.3 miles. Bear left 0.2 miles up NorthWoods driveway to end at Lodge! (Miles: 5.5, Cumulative Gain: 4,423′)

Possible Hike Lengths

11.7 miles – Half leg from start to Lunch Station, not including Haystack

15.8 miles – Half leg from start to Lunch Station, including Haystack

20.5 miles – all trails & roads to Mad Brook Rd (then shuttled to NorthWoods)

26 miles – Make it a Marathon! From start to NorthWoods, no shuttles

The More the Merrier! Tell your Friends!

A Trail, A Community

The Westmore Mountain Challenge is about landscapes, endurance and recreation, but it is also about community. The work of NorthWoods staff and youth crews in the NEK over the past 30 years is one of the reasons this trail system is able to be hiked today. Every mountain trail in the Challenge has been planned, built, or maintained in part by the NorthWoods Conservation Corps and state and private partners. Each summer, our Corps employs crews of local teens to build and maintain miles of trails to public lands across the NEK and New England. We have crews stationed in all six New England states, doing work such as removing invasive species, maintaining trails, planting trees, and building kiosks, bridges, boardwalks and handicapped access trails. The hard work and dedication of these young people, learning to work together, work hard, and value the outdoors, inspires us daily.  Your entry fee and additional donations allow us to continue the important work of growing the next generation of stewards who will enjoy, care for, and conserve our trails, forests, and waterways for years to come. Thank you!

Jean Haigh Memorial Award

Many of you knew Jean Haigh and if you didn’t, you most likely have enjoyed her legacy of work conserving and promoting the trails of the Northeast Kingdom. In honor of Jean’s years of service and community-building, we have established a fee scholarship in her name, to be given to a local participant in the Westmore Mountain Challenge who embodies Jean’s spirit and enthusiasm on the trails. In 2022 we granted the first award, to Challenge participant and good friend of Jean’s – Ami English. You can read her remembrance of Jean here.

Do you know local NEK resident who embodies Jean’s positive community spirit and enthusiasm for conservation and trails? Nominate them for the award! Nominations should be emailed to kelsey@northwoodscenter.org and include:

  • The nominee’s name and contact information
  • A description of the nominee’s connection or special interest in NEK trails.
  • A sentence or more about how a scholarship will help this nominee participate in the Challenge.


We have alot of Volunteer Opportunities this year for hikers looking to get out and about!

– Wondering which trail to choose for your training? Bluff Ridge Trail is in need of hikers to preserve all of our hard work and keep the weeds at bay! This nearly 11 mile trail is great to do with a friend, starting at the Unknown Pond trail on Rte 114 and heading back along Bluff Ridge to the Bluff Lookout and down into Island Pond. Volunteering is simple and requires no sign up — we just need hikers, so head out there if you’re able!

– We always are looking for volunteers to help with hiker support, logistics, celebration prep and much more! There are lots of ways to help out. Check back here for specific volunteer opportunities as they arise, or contact us at: info@northwoodscenter.org

Trail Resources

Since 1989, NorthWoods has employed thousands of young adults in conservation work in northern Vermont, northern New Hampshire and beyond. Their mission to connect people and place through science, education and action is achieved through the synergy of the conservation corps, environmental education, conservation science and forest stewardship programs. The NEK Mountain Trail Guide comes out of three decades of experience hiking, mapping, maintaining and managing trails, working alongside many partners. This comprehensive guidebook offers detailed trail descriptions, accurate maps and colorful photos. With this unique account of the Northeast Kingdom’s natural and cultural history, NorthWoods has created a truly valuable resource for hikers, educators and outdoor enthusiasts.

In this second edition of the Northeast Kingdom Mountain Trail Guide, NorthWoods introduces 12 new mountain trail descriptions including hikes in the Groton State Forest and the recently completed long-distance Kingdom Heritage Trail, as well as updates to existing trail entries and new maps and photos.


Registration: The Westmore Mountain Challenge course travels over public trails on steep terrain, and is susceptible to erosion caused by intense use, especially by large groups. For that reason, the Challenge’s state permit from the VT Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation allows for a limited number of participants, so that we do not cause damage to the very trails we love and work so hard to maintain. This makes our event different from others which take place on roads or other more durable surfaces and means that our limited spaces can fill quickly.

If you would like to join the Challenge, please make sure you register early! Registration usually opens in May. If you join our notice list (button at the top of this page) we will email you to let you know when registration opens.

Trail Use & Best Practices

Safe, responsible and sustainable use of the community’s public hiking trails is a top priority. We will plan for rain or shine but if weather conditions create unsafe conditions or high erosion potential, we reserve the right to alter routes, limit group sizes, or take other measures to keep our hikers and hiking trails in good shape. We ask that all of our hikers practice Leave No Trace principles including keeping on the marked trail, respecting wildlife, and being courteous to fellow hikers who are using the public trail.


Before Friday – select this option on your registration form to arrange to pick up your registration packet and number on Wednesday or Thursday from 8:30am- 4:30pm.

Friday night – Pre-registration pickups from 8:30am- 7pm.

Saturday 5:15am – lodge check-in and first shuttles depart. Registration bags can be picked up here.

Saturday 5:15am – check-in at trail head for drop-offs (we will not bring your number or registration packet to the trail head. Please arrange alternate pickup of these materials on campus before Saturday.)

Saturday 4 pm – Bald Mountain cutoff- no hikers allow up the trail after this time.

Saturday 5pm – Road portion cutoff – no hikers allowed down the road from Mad Brook station after this time

Saturday evening – post-hike check-in, food truck & celebration!

Registrants please check your email for a more detailed schedule of the day!


The shuttles for the morning drop-off are full-size school buses. You will have signed up for a specific AM shuttle slot (or drop-off option) during registration — please adhere to this reservation. The ride from campus to the trailhead is 45 minutes. Please make sure you arrive with plenty of time to spare before your reserved shuttle departure so that we don’t experience delays.

Parking is not allowed at the starting point on Moose Mountain, but you are welcome to arrange your own drop-off from a friend if you prefer that to our shuttles – however please be courteous on this road that normally gets very little traffic, and remember that everyone is required to officially check-in with our staff at the trail head, so that we know you’re out on the trail. Moose Mountain trailhead check in table will be available starting at 5:15am. You must have already picked up your registration materials before arrival – we aren’t able to do your paperwork and give you your number at the trailhead.


Autumn weather conditions in northern Vermont are always variable. We recommend hikers keep an eye on the weather and come prepared for sun, rain, frost, and snow. We recommend having layers to keep yourself warm, wick moisture, and shield yourself from rain. If you plan to attempt the full marathon length, please bring a headlamp or flashlight, which you will potentially need both at the start and finish of the course. 

Know the route. We flag the route intersections and provide signs at key points, but it is your responsibility to know, navigate, and keep to the route.

Bring your cell phone, if you have one. Cell phone service is intermittent throughout the route. We encourage you to hike with a friend or two. In the event of Emergency, please call 911. NorthWoods Staff and Volunteers will provide a sweep of the entire route of the Westmore Challenge. A first aid station with limited supplies will be at the Lunch Station at Long Pond trailhead.


A question we are asked every year: can I bring my canine hiker pal with me? While the rules on all public trails allow on-leash dogs, we logistically cannot accept dogs on our shuttles during this event, and suggest that you either make your own arrangements for pickup/dropoff, keep your pup at home, or leave them with a friend who can wait for you and welcome you at the finish line!


The Green Mountain Club’s NEK Hiking Trail Map will be included in your registration bag, but we encourage you to become oriented with the route well beforehand! Consider purchasing our NEK Mountain Trail Guide for in-depth trail descriptions of the trails in question, as well as many other well-known and lesser-known regional trails — we’d encourage you to check out these other trails during your training!


Your start time is at Moose Mountain Trail Head when you check-in, your completion time is marked at the NWSC campus as you cross the official finish line. Results of finishers will be listed in the days after the event in an open category — you can choose to include your age and gender identity during registration if you would like to be included in smaller demographic result groupings (ie: Under 18, over 60, Women + etc.) Thank you again to IronWood Adventure Works for supporting this event and performing the timing!

Food & Water

Bring your own water bottle. A water fill and snack station will be available on the Willoughby Overlook, near the bottom of the CCC Road (after Moose & Hor), and at the Mad Brook Trail Head on the north side of Bald Mountain. Water, grilled cheese and snacks will be available (at no cost) at the Long Pond TH. The Long Pond TH will be a staffed station, with a shuttle available. Water and snacks will also be available at the Mad Brook Station on the far side of Bald before the road portion. There will be a food truck available (pre-paid food vouchers included for all participants) back at NorthWoods campus upon completion of the event.


Camping is available on NorthWoods campus for a fee of $20/person/night. Many fellow campers will be having an early start, so please be conscientious and keep noise to a minimum after 9pm. Our kitchen facilities are not available to the public, but the main lodge toilets are available for campers. Thanks!

Forms & Waivers

Make sure you read our Activity Liability Waiver before registering. If a minor will be attending, please make sure to bring a printed version of the form, signed by the minor’s parent or guardian to the hike check-in. If you are registering a large group online, we may ask any additional attendees to sign their own waivers during check-in.

Registration Pickup

We will have handy registration bags containing your number, T-shirt, and some complimentary goodies (including maps and snacks!), available for pickup at the NorthWoods Main Lodge the days before the event: Wednesday & Thursday 9am-3pm, Friday from 9am-7pm, and on Saturday morning before the shuttles depart. If you’re picking up Saturday you’ll want to leave time before your departure to deal with your materials as you cannot leave them on the bus or leave them with our staff.
As always — there is NO pickup of any registration materials at the Moose Mountain Trail Head starting point. Please arrange to pickup your materials ahead of time one way or the other.


This event is a fundraiser, the proceeds of which help fund our work in environmental conservation, forestry, and trail building. For this reason, in the event that an attendee chooses to cancel their own registration for personal reasons, no refund will be provided. Please plan accordingly — and know that if you have to cancel, your fee will be used to further our mission and keep the trails you love in good condition! By registering with us, you acknowledge your understanding of this refund policy, which helps protect NorthWoods from costs already incurred.

The lands this hike traverses is owned and managed by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation.

Questions? Email us at info@northwoodscenter.org, or call 802-723-6551

Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors!